How Middle School Educators Improved Relationships with Students Using the 2x10 Method
Introduction to Partners in School Innovation’s Work With A Network of Middle Grades Teachers
Since 2020, Partners in School Innovation (PSI) has led a professional learning network with middle grades teachers in Philadelphia. It’s been a network aimed at improving educational outcomes for all students, especially focusing on increasing the number of students of color who are on track to succeed in high school by the end of 8th grade.
Each year, this network of teachers receives monthly professional development and coaching from PSI, with each year focused on enhancing a different area of their educational practice.
In 2021, after assessing the state of teaching practices, the PSI team and this network of teachers decided to focus on creating classroom environments where students are engaged and teachers are fostering strong relationships.
Together, they predicted that investing deeply in student-teacher relationships would have a meaningful impact on student learning experiences and contribute to improved student well-being and academic success.
Within just five months of launching this initiative, significant improvements were noted. One school, in particular, reported positive shifts in the district's quarterly student well-being survey.
Results showed 96% of students reported positive relationships with their teachers, marking a 6.6% increase from the previous quarter. Additionally, there was a 7.37% increase in students reporting positive perceptions of all their interpersonal relationships at school.
Evidence-Based Strategies for Building Relationships With Students
What is the 2x10 Relationship Building Model?
Drawing on research from Raymond Wlodkowski, the Partners in School Innovation (PSI) team introduced the 2x10 relationship-building model into their approach to support teachers and school leaders working on building relationships with students.
This simple yet effective method involves educators selecting a student and committing to a 2-minute conversation over 10 consecutive school days. The conversation ideally focuses on non-academic interests to start to build personal connections and mutual respect. This strategy has been shown to not only improve individual student behavior but also transform the overall classroom climate when done at scale.
A visual graphic explaining the 2x10 relationship-building strategy as a practice where educators select a student or students to have a 2-minute conversation with for 10 consecutive days, focusing on non-academic interests in order to build mutual respect and a personal connection. The graphic includes an image of a teacher smiling and chatting with a group of students in class.
Teacher and School Leader Implementation: Using Strategies for Building Relationships With Students
Teacher Spotlight
A 7th and 8th grade math teacher part of this Philadelphia network implemented the 2x10 model to build their rapport with students, particularly focusing on repairing their relationship with one student. By taking the time to have daily non-academic, casual conversations, they quickly noticed a positive shift in that student’s classroom behavior and academic engagement.
Within a few weeks, the teacher found success with gently asking this student to curb distracting behaviors during class and encouraged them to apply their interests to math classwork.
During a visit to this teacher’s classroom, they shared with a PSI coach that this same student had made and given them a piece of art – tangible evidence of a strengthened bond between them.
School Leader Spotlight
An Assistant Principal participating in this network recognized the need for new strategies to improve student-teacher connections at their school and started a pilot of the 2x10 model.
Starting with a small group of four teachers, they jumped in with excitement by selecting students and launching into the first round of the 2x10 method.
As these teachers completed their 10 check-ins, they were encouraged by the bonds they were creating and the shifts that they noticed in their students. Further inspired by their success, they continued their check-ins with the first group of students while starting new check-ins with more students.
A quote from an Assistant Principal who brought the 2x10 initiative to their school reads: “I was interested in this initiative because the research indicated multiple benefits for students. An unexpected but welcome byproduct was the positive impact that this had on teachers.”
Students began looking forward to their chats with teachers, even sometimes initiating them themselves. Encouraged by these early signs of success, the middle school’s Assistant Principal expanded the 2x10 initiative to more staff members.
She used data to identify the next set of teachers who would start, intentionally spreading this change effort to more grades. She found that teachers were excited to try it, and soon 8 teachers across the school were committed.
Supported by her Partners in School Innovation coach, the Assistant Principal monitored the progress of the 2x10 initiative weekly, and reflected on obstacles and wins.
Measuring the Impact: Positive Shifts in Student Wellbeing
The School District of Philadelphia conducts a student wellbeing survey quarterly which includes several questions aimed at understanding how students feel about their interpersonal relationships in school.
After bringing the 2x10 relationship-building model to this school, an analysis of the survey data allowed PSI and this school team to assess its impact. Results showed 96% of students reported positive relationships with their teachers, marking a 6.6% increase from the previous quarter. Additionally, there was a 7.37% increase in students reporting positive perceptions of all their interpersonal relationships (teachers and other students) at school.
Infographic from Partners in School Innovation showing results and achievements at a Philadelphia middle school after implementing the 2x10 relationship building model.
Although multiple factors could influence these outcomes, the feedback from teachers and students suggests that the 2x10 initiative played a crucial role in fostering stronger relationships and improving student’s sense of wellbeing.
Looking Ahead: Future Plans and Lessons Learned
Looking forward, this Assistant Principal is focused on expanding the 2x10 model school-wide and working with Partners in School Innovation to build a process around more data-centered progress monitoring. This includes bringing in different types of data collection when measuring the effectiveness of their school’s relationship-building efforts (e.g. data from student experience interviews, grades, attendance, and class behavior).
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