Paula Espinoza Invites Educators to Disrupt Personal Biases in Latest “Unboxed” Issue

How often do you take time to reflect on what biases you unknowingly have and bravely challenge them directly for greater personal growth and others' benefits? When it comes to making positive changes in education, the reflection practice is crucial for success.

In Unboxed’s Issue 27: Fall 2024, Paula Espinoza from our team of experienced coaches authors the article "Sometimes The Bias You Need to Disrupt is Your Own" and describes how undertaking antiracist and anti-bias work with schools resulted in site leaders learning strategies that challenged prior beliefs and her gaining insights about herself.

Learn from her story and gain insights on the "Antibias, Antiracist (ABAR) Professional Learning Series Scope and Sequence" our team used with the schools Paula supported. Additionally, she shares a checklist that helps people learn more about how we can all work together to create regenerative and liberatory systems.

So much was uncovered throughout her journey with schools focused on interrupting patterns of inequity and increasing the number of Latine, multilingual learners, and low-income students who are on track to excel in high school, college, career, and life. Read more to learn how to help students “make the world differently.”

High Tech High GSE’s Unboxed journal focuses on adult learning in schools. Its goal is to spread good ideas that can improve schools and make it easy to hand an idea from one teacher to another.

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Graphic of light blue newspaper page. Underneath is the Partners in School Innovation logo and words “published in” next to the logo of HTH Unboxed and a cover image of the unboxed digital magazine.

Image description: Graphic of light blue newspaper page. Underneath is the Partners in School Innovation logo and words “published in” next to the logo of HTH Unboxed and a cover image of the unboxed digital magazine.


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